Thursday, June 15, 2006

IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT THE WAR - Lamont vs. Lieberman

Some politicians and some pundits believe that Ned Lamont is a one issue candidate and that the refrain “peace now” is his only slogan and is his main complaint with Joe Lieberman. They are wrong. Ned Lamont is concerned, like many of us, that Joe Lieberman has cultivated a reputation, not as a Democrat but as a Rebulicrat. He has so frequently sided with the interests of big business, the insurance industry and the Republican Party that his claim to be a Democrat often has seemed farcical. His strident support for the Bush war in Iraq is but one example.

To his credit, Senator Lieberman has supported consumer interests in some instances by refusing to support caps in medical malpractice cases. But his anti-consumer history is long. He supplied a critical vote as a Connecticut State Senator that resulted in the adoption of the old failed no-fault auto insurance system. As Attorney General he was a reluctant participant in the anti-trust action brought by his fellow attorneys general against the property and casualty insurance industry. In the United States Senate he has supported legislation that limits victims’ rights regarding: asbestos, product liability, class actions and securities laws. He also co-sponsored legislation with Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to adopt national no-fault legislation just a year or two after his own state of Connecticut voted to abolish no-fault.

The candidacy of Ned Lamont now affords us a chance at a new beginning. A chance to elect a true progressive to the United States Senate. A man with courage and the convictions compatible with the people of this great state. I should emphasize that my endorsement has nothing to do with any organization of which I am a member.

On Monday June 12 I had the privilege of spending an hour with Mr. Lamont in my office. I knew that he opposed the war in Iraq. He opposes repeal of the federal estate tax, tax cuts for the wealthy and a federal deficit out of control. He favors universal healthcare, affirmative action, keeping the government out of personal decisions like marriage and a woman’s right to control her own body. He opposes the blurring of the line between church and state. He supports public schools and universal pre-school and opposes school vouchers. He will also support sound environmental policy rather than give aways for the oil industry. And contrary to the unfortunate suggestion by the Lieberman campaign, the fact that Lamont is wealthy should hardly seem an impediment to his leadership. I can think of several wealthy current and former Senators who have served the progressive cause ably. Names such as Kennedy, Metzenbaum, Kohl and Corzine come to mind just to mention a few.

What I didn’t know about Ned Lamont was where he stood on the civil justice system. But now I do. He unequivocally opposes caps on damages in malpractice cases or any case. He readily acknowledged how caps on non-economic damages would discriminate against women, children and seniors. He believes that the jury system is the best system of justice available. He personally analyzed the financial claims of the relative cost of the malpractice system and expressed an opinion that the cost of the malpractice system seemed to be a rather minor piece of the healthcare pie. He was aghast at stories of how patients are victimized and appreciated that physicians are also victimized by the malpractice insurers. He also expressed that he was opposed to the two most recent Supreme Court nominees.

I am entirely comfortable believing that Ned Lamont will never choose the corporate interest over the interests of consumers unless there is hard evidence to warrant it. Today I am standing up for Ned Lamont with this communication and with my checkbook.

If you wish to join me in supporting Ned, please make your contribution by going to his web site:

Or by using his printable contribution form and mailing your contribution.

Stewart M. Casper
Casper & de Toledo LLC
1458 Bedford St.
Stamford, CT 06905
Tel. (203) 325-8600
Fax (203) 323-5970
Board Certified in Civil Trial Advocacy by the National Board of Trial Advocacy


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